Due to the COVID 19 pandemic all Mission trips for the year 2022

have been postponed

God calls us to go into all the world to make disciples. 

Matthew 28:19-20

We love to partner with local and international mission organizations through our giving and our going. To learn more about two of our primary partnerships, please see below. 

Crow Agency, Montana

"I remember with great fondness the time I spent there (Crow Agency, Montana). The people were so needy and appreciative of the work and witness the team from our church brought to them. I was amazed at the living conditions that the Crow people withstand and their resolve for their heritage they cling to. I was discouraged by their lack of employment and opportunities for them. I was encouraged by their eagerness to hear the good news of Jesus Christ and His amazing love. I regret my current status and physical condition that prevents me from going back again. The spiritual blessing I received from just being there and helping the team was more pay than I could earn on any job here at home. Praise God for those who can go and do so willingly." -Ray Duncan


Z'Orange, Haiti

We have partnered with Truth Evangelistic Ministries for over 10 years now, helping provide temporary medical clinics, training school teachers, equipping pastors and putting together ministry opportunities in  Z'Orange, Haiti.  

"From the first trip to Z'Orange several years ago to the present, it has been amazing to see the growth and impact of the Truth Ministries' work  on the lives of the people there. To see firsthand the gospel changing the lives of people there has forever changed my own life." - Pastor Chuck Poplin

"I have been on several mission trips with Truth Evangelistic Ministries to help at the four Christian Schools in the area of Z'Orange, Haiti. We have a very comfortable mission house to stay in and a fantastic missionary we work with there. The teachers are eager to learn and enjoy our time with them for the annual teachers conference. The children are a joy to be with and equally eager to learn. Please consider supporting the Z'Orange school children and/or going on a mission trip to work with the teachers or one of many other trips each year for medical missions, VBS, pastors conference, construction, evangelism and women's ministries. It is an amazing blessing to serve God in Haiti and to get to know these wonderful people and precious children." -Sandy Perez